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The Spanish Grammar, by Miguel
New Edition

  The Nouns
  The Adjectives
  The Time
  The Date
  The Pronouns
  Direct/Indirect Pronouns
  Demonstrative Pronouns
  Relative Pronous
  Reflexive pronouns
  Possessive Pronouns
  The Adverbs
  Degree of Adverbs
  Regular Verbs
  Irregular Verbs
  Stem-Changing Verbs
  The Progressive


There are three degrees of comparison:

Pedro es interesante.Más interesante que Luis.El más interesante de ellos.
Pedro is interesting.More interesting than Luis.The most interesting of them.
Angel es alto.Angel es menos alto que MaríaEl menos alto de todos.
Angel is tall.Angel is less tall than María.The less tall of all.
Ellos son limpios.Ellos son tan limpios como antes.Muy limpios.
They are clean.They are as clean as before.Very clean.
La silla es nueva.Igual de nueva que la mesa.Nuevísima.
The chair is new.As new as the table.Indescribably new.

We can use the comparative with nouns too:

Tengo tantos coches como usted./I have as cars as you.
Tiene tantas puertas como antes./It has as doors as before.

Irregular comparisons:

bueno(a)mejorel/la mejor (buenísimo/a)
goodbetterthe best
malo(a)peorel/la peor (malísimo/a)
badworsethe worst
pequeño(a)menorel/la menor (pequeñísimo/a)
smallsmallerthe smallest
grandemayorel/la mayor (grandísimo/a)
bigbiggerthe biggest

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