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Lola Soler - Student
New Edition

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The king of the Shellfish in the south of Spain is our local shrimp, which in turn helped to create our famous "cocederos" seafood restaurants/bars that give Andalusia that incomparable atmosphere. They are not only eaten by themselves but in rice dishes, scrambled and in omelettes.

The aroma of the shrimps brings to my memory the seafaring soup of bread that is made with deep fried golden slices of bread.

And after the shrimps come the prawns, very pleasant to eat in what the people call "Salpicon" (A salad of diced tomatoes onions and peppers and topped with seafood) and here we know it as "piriñaca", an unquestionable garnish of our roasted fish.

With some of our typical vegetable ingredients we can prepare a good plate of potato salad or some roasted peppers and tomatoes to accompany some delicious mackerel.

Do not forget the "Ajo caliente" hot garlic made with garlic and bread, a typical country winter dish.

The desserts, the "poleás" which at the beginning of the century were eaten as a first course and that have developed into a select dessert eaten with honey.

Eating sea food in Andalusia it has turned into an authentic institution, into something like an initation ritual of its visitors, in a turist atraction;

They have got a large variety of sea-food for every tasted: prawns, tiger-prawns, norway lobster, crabs (muzzle and legs), galeras, cañaillas (sea-snail), camarones (shrimps), percebes (goose barnacle), nécoras, buey (sea-bullock), bigaro or burgaillos (winkles), bogabantes (lobster), langosta (spiny lobster) and muzzles of the island. Of the whole of this variety the people particulary prefer the prawns, tiger prawns and crab's nuzzle.

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