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Language: Pronouns
New Edition

A.S.L. PraFor Programs

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The Pronouns
Direct/Indirect Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Relative Pronous
Reflexive pronouns
Possessive Pronouns
   6 Page/s: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Reflexive pronouns by Miguel


Reflexive pronouns show that the person doing action is the person who the action is directed at. Indirect pronouns are in fact identical to reflexive ones, except that the recipient of the action is different from its performer.

Nonreflexive form: Lavo la cabeza de mi hijo./I wash my son's head.
Reflexive form: Me lavo las manos./I wash my hands.

In order to conjugate a reflexive verb, you must use the correct reflexive pronoun. The pronoun is placed in front of the conjugated form or attached to the end of the infinitive.

This are Spanish reflexive pronouns:

me(to) myselfnos(to) ourselves
te(to) yourself (fam. sing.)os(to) yourselves (fam. pl.)
se(to) yourself (pol. sing.)se(to) yourselves (pol. pl.)
se(to) himself,se(to) themselves
se(to) herself,  
se(to) itself,  
se(to) oneself  

Yo no me pierdo./I do not get lost (lose myself).
Carlos se prepara./Carlos prepares himself.

Reflexive verbs always use reflexive pronouns. In the Vocabulary reflexive verbs have se attached to the infinitive.

Here are some common reflexive verbs:

aburrirse/to get bored
acostarse/to go to bed
afeitarse/to shave
alegrarse/to be happy
animarse/to cheer up
arreglarse/to get ready
asustarse/to get scared
bañarse/to bathe
calmarse/to calm down
cansarse/to get tired
cepillarse/to brush (hair, teeth)
colocarse/to get a job
cortarse/to cut (hair, nails)
decidirse/to make up one's mind
despedirse/to say goodbye to
despertarse/to wake up
divertirse/to have a good time
dormirse/to fall asleep
ducharse/to take a shower
enfermarse/to get sick
enojarse/to get angry
lastimarse/to hurt oneself
lavarse/to wash (up)
levantarse/to get up
maquillarse/to put on makeup
peinarse/to comb (hair)
pintarse/to put on makeup
ponerse/to put on (clothes)
preocuparse/to worry
probarse/to try on
quebrarse/to break (arm, leg)
quedarse/to stay, remain
quemarse/to burn (oneself, one's body)
quitarse/to take off (clothes)
romperse/to tear (clothes);to break (arm, leg)
sentarse/to sit down
sorprenderse/to be surprised
vestirse/to get dressed

There are two separate tasks when conjugating reflexive verbs. First, take off the reflexive pronoun se, change it to agree with the subject of the verb, and place it directly in front of the verb. Then, as with all verbs, you must conjugate the infinitive according to whether it's an -ar, -er, -ir, or irregular verb.

Te lavas las manos./You're washing your hands.

The reflexive can be used to mean "each other."

Nosotros nos queremos./We want to each other.

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