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A.S.L. PraFor Programs

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Internship in a nautical club
TuriFor - Organization / Communications / Information
Internship in tourism
Developing local tourism internship
Reception in a big hotel
Wine celler guide assistant
Internship organizing celebrations
Internship developing the andalusian culture
Internship developing the tourism in Andalusia
Customer Receptionist within a museum
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Reception in a big hotel by PraFor

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Reception in a big hotel

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UNI - -
Cadiz province
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Type of Organization:
Level of Spanish:
Intermediate or higher  Test my level
Area of focus:
- Tourism/Organization/Information -


This internship will be in the reception of a big hotel, and like other internships, is a great opportunity for learning valuable skills for students before they enter the work force.

Responsible for hotel reservations for incoming visitors.



Organize concessions and supplies before special events.

Assist in front office operations including ticket sales and promotions.

The participant will be responsible for regular office duties including word processing and data entry, copying, faxing, filing, and answering of phones.

Intern will prepare written descriptions of client needs and correspondence as needed. He/she will control reservations and will depend of the direction staff.

Computer skills are a plus, particularly online research skills.

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