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A.S.L. PraFor Programs

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BASIC by PraFor

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This program consists in a combination cultural/social lessons and work experience in our Academy.

Basically, this program is appropriate, for people that want to do an internship in Spain, because they consider that it is a safe and cheap country, but they do not have enought level of Spanish to access to an internship of the field that they are interested about. It is also good for Graduates, who can't access legaly in Spain to an internship in a company, considering that they are not University students already. Graduates also can do VOL and CHEAP RED volunteer programs.

The participants work inside of Academy using computers, data bases, phone, and all the necessary stuff for the internship.

During the sessions we use Role-Plays. In these activities we try to familiarize students with typical Spanish situations. We will teach you to use the appropriate Spanish expressions in the appropriate moment. Of course, participation of the student is required. It's a good moment to see yourself in action!!.

In this program you will take Cultural lessons. These lessons will show you the real Spanish Culture. Not only topics "N.O.T." try to make you to discover the authentic and actual Spanish culture.

Our program is based in 'learning by doing'. That means that you would be all the time doing things in the area of bussiness and principally in finance. As you probably know, all the works that students do, are used principally to be used by the educational community in the world throw the portal www.aulapolis.com or www.aulapolis.com/asl

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