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A.S.L. PraFor Programs

Cheapest programs
FundaFor - Cooperation / Social work / volunteers
General Volunteers
NetFor - Internet / HTML / CGI / Web design
ContaFor - Managment / Accounting / Analysis and reporting
MediaFor - Marketing / Merchandising / Promotion
AskmeFor - Psychology / Education / Moods
LinguaFor - Language / Translation
TuriFor - Organization / Communications / Information
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FundaFor - Cooperation / Social work / volunteers by PraFor

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FundaFor - Cooperation / Social work / volunteers

Included in:
Cadiz province
Paid or unpaid:
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Type of Organization:
Level of Spanish:
Beginner or higher  Test my level
Area of focus:
- Cooperation/Social work -


 FundaFor - Internship in Spain

You can be a volunteer in the PraFor project and help other project members. This program includes culture/business lessons or Spanish lessons if you choose the PLUS option.


As a volunteer in this project, you will work directly for the Oasis Association, that works in all areas concerning the transit to the labour world. An important part of the work of the organisation involves organizing events and providing information to youngsters through internet.

Job responsibilities may include:

Oversight of the association archives

Helping the chairman of project recruit other volunteers and maintain records of their progress within the project.

Encouraging people from other countries to volunteer.

The Oasis Project would not exist without volunteers. The time they commit to the project, their ideas and their energy are greatly appreciated. It is indeed these contributions which are responsible for the continued success of the project.


Newsletter Coordinator:
Help coordinate the overall production of the newsletter. This individual will be responsible for assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and making sure that all aspects of the newsletter come together.

Write interesting articles on Oasis and PraFor events, new organisations or programs, and other issues important to our community.

Calendar/Resource Coordinators:
Maintain an accurate and up-to-date list of the project resources and events in the region. Gather and organize this information for the newsletter.

Editing and Layout:
People with a good eye for spelling, grammar, and design are essential to help keep the high quality of the newsletter.

Take photographs of major events and other things of interest to the PraFor Community throughout Oasis Project

Advertising Manager:
Coordinate advertising for The Community News. Previous advertising experience is not needed.

Public Relations/Networking:
Network with other worldwide educational organisations, and promote increased communication between PraFor groups. Individuals working in this department are also responsible for the content and design for the website Aulapolis.com and ASL (free Spanish online tutorial).

Programming and Development:
The main aim of this committee is to design and produce programs, organize the library, and draft policies and procedures.

Centre Staff:
Enthusiastic people who enjoy working with the public are needed to help staff the centre during our opening hours. Duties include greeting visitors to the centre, answering phones, and helping to promote Oasis resources

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