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A.S.L. PraFor Programs

Cheapest programs
MediaFor - Marketing / Merchandising / Promotion
Communication producer assistant
Internship in a publicity agency
Internship in the publicity department of the city council
Internship in a nautical club
Marketing Assistant
Public Relations Assistant
Marketing Coordinator
   8 Page/s: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Marketing Assistant by PraFor

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Plan special events which promote specific organisations and services.

Contact local companies and network with members to review opportunities for improvement.

Learn aspects of public relations and marketing at a small company: event management,membership, program marketing, direct mailing, grants, sponsorships, marketing ventures and newsletter production.

Gain experience in database management.

Experience with computers and knowledge of programs would be helpful.

Interested individuals should be hardworking, organised, and self-motivated.

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