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A.S.L. PraFor Programs

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Internship for engineers/businessmen in a multinational motor company
Internship in boat construction
Intern constructing pieces for planes
Exporting flowers to Europe
Internship promoting international business relations
ContaFor - Managment / Accounting / Analysis and reporting
Internship with Spanish local taxes
Internship with Spanish national taxes
Internship in community project providing assistance to local companies
Internship in the Institute for development of the Andalusian enconomy
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Exporting flowers to Europe by PraFor

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This is a small company which exports flowers to Europe. There is a lot of hands-on work and interns are given large responsibilities.

Duties include: answering phones, greeting clients, making appointments, light typing and photocopying tasks.

Intern will deal with customer orders and other correspondence.

Learn about the export system from scratch!

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